Elementary school clean-up activities II (Event for MITRA no KAI)

March 20, 2014
CSR activity this year is a continuation of MITRAnoKAI activity. 5S is a goal of the program MITRAnoKAI. And this time the village held Gintung, ie precisely in SD NEGERI KUTA MEKAR 1, it appears the children were enthusiastic when the group of MITRAnoKAI team headed by Mr. Endro, they were very excited when taught to say hello in Japanese is Ohayougozaimasu (good morning) and konichiwa (good afternoon) As described immediately understand the meaning of their 5S, activities in the classroom is learning cleanse using the cleaning tools.
Expectations of this activity is to form character MITRAnoKAI early to environmental concerns and expectations of magnitude when they are already adults can be recruited from several companies Suryacipta region